Friday, May 22, 2015

Hard for the New Generation

          Teenagers are some of the most hormone-filled people there are. Guys look at women like they are a piece of meat and society says that is OK. It doesn't help that girls do dress quite provocatively (also because of society). As people become teenagers, they find that they are attracted to those of the other sex. So they date, but with the pressure of society and friends, they can sometimes make the wrong decision. Dating is a relationship based on love and putting that love into effect by caring for the person you are attracted to and treating them right and with respect. Society says, "Oh just do what you want". Bad idea. With lust and sex a big theme, couples base their relationships on that. It makes it not based on love, but based on sex and the physical advantages you can get. After they have done what they wanted, they break apart and hearts are crushed.
          Men and women are different. Guys are wired for the physical while women are more emotional. Put these together the right way, and great things can happen. They fit together perfectly, but when guys get too physical and girls get too accepting of this attitude, it becomes a sexual relationship and not one of love. Making out with her or having sex does not give her the respect she deserves; no matter how much she likes it. God made her into something special, and you better treat her like she is.

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Well……. I had high expectations for this movie (mostly because of Emma Watson and she is bae) and it fell short. I did not know much about it, but I thought it would be a chick flick of romance and some adventure. It had that, but everything in between was crazy. A gay best friend whose relationship goes awry, an aunt who was killed in a car crash after she had sexually abused the main character as a young boy which causes him to have fits of rage, and the multiple sexual innuendos and sexual scenes. I’m not totally dissing it because as a guy who is wired to physical attraction like every other guy in the world, I was honestly intrigued. But it’s not a good movie to watch with your girlfriend. I spent more time looking down than I did watching the movie.

It might have been a good movie if I did not already set some expectations for it. I wanted romance, not sex and drugs every scene. It was sickening. They talked about love in the movie, but love is not making out on your parents couch with your clothes half off, it’s about wanting the best for the other person and showing them that by caring for them and treating them how they should be treated. The main character showed a hint of that when he said, “I just want you to be happy” to Emma Watson when she asked why he did not ask her out in the first place. I was not a big fan of the movie. It needed work and took things in a wrong direction.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Real Cost

           Smoking is a habit that has been plaguing our nation for years. Tobacco and marijuana are the main things that are smoked. Tobacco comes from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant and marijuana is the dried buds from the marijuana plant. Tobacco is smoked in pipes, cigars, cigarettes, even chewed. Marijuana is smoked out of pipes, bongs, or rolled into joints. Tobacco gives you a slight buzz while marijuana gets you high. A high is when you are in a daze for a while and do things without thinking about them.
          Tobacco is addicting because of the chemical called nicotine. Nicotine makes you want more tobacco and you gradually smoke more tobacco than what you originally did. Marijuana is not as addicting. Smokers enjoy the high they get from it.
          There are many problems with smoking. First off, the inhalation of smoke causes people to have asthmatic symptoms and breathing difficulties. That is why you have probably heard some one have what is called "smoker's cough". Not only is the smoke bad for you, what is in cigarettes is awful. Traces of tar and other harmful chemicals known to cause various forms of cancer are found in the neat, little boxes you see everyday at the gas station. Marijuana and tobacco both cause brain damage and heart issues. Gum and mouth cancer are prevalent in smokers. Smoking causes the deterioration and eventual loss of teeth. You try to act cool by smoking when your teeth are falling out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My First Deer

          My dad is big into deer hunting and so are his sons. We have hunted with him several times. We did not shoot them, he did. It was fun except the fact that we had to sit quietly on a metal deer stand in very cold weather. That was not the fun part of hunting. I loved seeing the deer and other animals in the wild. Deer are very observant and keep a keen eye out for danger. Sometimes they would see, hear, or smell us and would run away. I did not like that part because we would be back where we started and have to wait till more deer came around.
          When I was twelve, I had an opportunity I could not pass up. My dad had acquired some papers called 'Apprentice Licenses'. They allowed some one who had not hunted before hunt with an adult guardian and shoot the deer themselves. I was very excited. I would be able to hold the gun myself and knock 'em dead.
          After several days of intense hunting, my dad came home with his deer that he got while I was at school. It was a heavy nine point with thick main beams. A beautiful deer for us. Dad started talking and told me that as he was gutting his deer, he saw another buck pushing his body across a field. The next night, we put on our camouflage and hunters orange and headed out. As we got out of the car, I accidentally hit the lock button and locked my dad and I out of the car. He left the keys right on the seat with his phone. After a few minutes of trying to get in, we walked over to a friend who was hunting on the other side of the property and he took us home. We went and got the van back, but it was too dark to shoot anything. The next morning my dad and I found the deer. I shot it and watched it die. I cried as it writhed in its death throes. It was previously shot in the front legs by another hunter and I had to shoot it to put it out of its misery. It was a great deer for my first one. Nine points, though not as big as my dads. I was happy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tongue- Tied Politicians

          In history class, I just learned about Nixon and the Watergate Scandal. It was about how Nixon had The Democratic National Convention at Watergate robbed to attain political records for himself. Nixon was a power hungry president. He didn't just want to beat his opponents, but thoroughly destroy them. He won the presidency by a landslide, but still wanted control over the other parties. This robbery was uncovered by a guard at Watergate and the robbers arrested. Throughout the trial, they said some things that linked high ranking officials to the robbery. Eventually it was found out that Nixon had a big part in it and he failed at trying to cover it up. He resigned from the presidency before he was impeached. Several people were tried and found guilty of crimes against the government.
          Nixon wanted power and did whatever he could to get it. Many politicians do the same. They belittle their opponents instead of focusing on the issues at hand. They argue and get in the way of progress.
         But on the flip side, politicians do quite a bit. They represent their states and groups and get the say of their people across. A good politician is well respected and can be trusted when the need is there.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Is My Music Wrong?

          I enjoy music. I listen to it while doing homework, sleeping, riding in a car, and when I'm just chillin'. I don't listen to a lot of Christian music. I have listened to it so much that I have lost interest in it. I am more into alternative like Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco. It doesn't glorify God like Christian music does and it doesn't put him down, but I still feel like it's wrong to listen to it. As a Christian, I should be listening to fulfilling music, but I don't like that stuff. Is it wrong that I am listening to other music? I don't want to listen to Christian music because it does not appeal to me, but am I sinning for doing so? I have wondered about this for a while and I don't know what to do. I don't want to give up my music, but I also don't want to go against what God wishes for me. Any thoughts?

Time Squeeze

          I have a busy two weeks ahead of me. A book that is almost 500 pages to have read by Thursday, a powerpoint/ speech, some movies to read and type responses to them, a paper about a book I read, and a few tests. And to top that all off, I have baseball every day this week. So I need to get crackin'. Yeah this does sound pretty bad, but I brought this upon myself by procrastinating. I am someone who waits and gets it done last minute instead of getting ahead. It is a bad system, but I get a huge feeling of accomplishment when I get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. My dad does not like this. He is a Type A person who is on task and very scheduled. Not me, I am a Type B person who is relaxed and puts things off. We argue about my work ethic all the time, but I still get things done and am doing quite well in school.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Two Wolves

          I like to think that I am a good writer. I can put words on a page better than if I spoke them. I do not like public speeches, but I want to get my words out so I write. Some writers are very skilled. They can sit themselves down and bust out a story in no time. Others need inspiration and emotion to write. Both sides are great at what they do. The first group can write about the factual and structured side of something while the latter brings the emotion to the table and helps connect people to what they are writing.
          I can do both, but I write better when I have inspiration.
          I am a huge procrastinator. That is why I am sitting in the computer lab typing instead of watching movies with the rest of my class. But you eat from the plate you make I guess.
          I am a big fan of simple, little quotes. They may be a few sentences, but contain so much meaning. Something simple like, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." A favorite of mine is a dialogue between an old Cherokee and his grandson.
          Grandfather: "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth."
          The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"
          The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."

          A small tale about a big lesson. Controlling one's emotions is a hard task. Patience is key to keeping a cool head and having the right emotions. Someone who can control their emotions control every aspect of their own conscious. It keeps the mind and bodily urges in check.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pet Peeves

          Ok so everyone I know has their own little annoyances called pet peeves. Pet peeves odd because they are the most annoying things that someone has to deal with and yet they aren't even that big of an issue to most people. I am seriously going out on a limb here by saying some of mine. And if you use them against me I will make you regret it. So be warned.
          I have ADD. So I have focus issues and am always moving. I tap my feet, my hands, grind my teeth, and bob my head. That is what helps me stay awake and focused, but if someone else does it I will loose it. It is very odd, but that is a pet peeve of mine.
          To go along with my ADD, is the fact that I hate being touched. That is partly why cuddling is no fun with me. I can't stop moving and being touched is weird. My friend Ranen knows about this. So sitting by him in class can be terrible because he will bug me by lightly touching the back of my neck or head and sit there watching me. He knows that I have to retouch it to "wipe off the germs" or something to that effect. He finds it hilarious and I hate it.
          One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am in the middle of a conversation with someone and another person walks up and starts talking like they know what the conversation is about! You fool! Just sit there quietly like a normal person and listen. Then you will know what is actually being talked about. So zip the lip, listen up, and you will be fine.
          I am normally a patient and tolerant person, so don't do these things and I will like you. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Someone Worth My Time

          We've all heard it. "Love at First Sight". It is one of the most beautiful things Romantics understand, but also the rarest; maybe even unrealistic. Everyone dreams of love. Some with another person, some with solitude, and some with beauty they find. As a Christian, love at first sight is not really believed in. Taking the time to know a person is something more valued than love at first sight. But many people feel this at some point in their life. A girl is shopping at the mall with her friends and she catches the eye of a man coming out of the sports store. A guy is playing football in the park with his buddies and a beautiful woman walks by with her dog.
          Or in my case; goes bowling with two friends. One has been my best bud for years, the other a girl who I have met on and off several times through the years. It wasn't love at first sight for me. I had dated a while before and immediately came up with the conclusion that dating in high school is pointless. So I never really thought about her. Since we are high schoolers and had fun, we got each others' numbers. After weeks of talking to her, I realized just how amazing she was. Beautiful, smart, kind, full of faith in God, and more mature than any high school girls I could find. She was perfect. Talking to her and being with her were wonderful times. I could be myself and not close up. She is worth my time.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Running On Empty

          Four weeks to go. It really crept up on me. Three weeks of cramming and hard work to bump up my grade just enough to exempt an exam. It's no fun; all the hustle and bustle that saps my energy and makes me like a zombie. It's hard, but everyone goes through the same thing. Some have it worse, some have it better. It has been a long school year of getting ideas and facts crammed into your brain and stored for later use. Of course, most of it is forgotten. But it all must be recalled for the big tests at the end of each semester. Exams. The death and fear of everyone in school. Exams are the biggest tests that a high schooler will take every semester. They are the Bill Cosby of the school. Everyone thinks they are a joke until they find out how bad they actually are. But after a few years of them, you know that they really suck. People will spend hours studying for them and days stressing over the unknown. But at this point I'm like, "Screw it, I don't care. Throw it at me. #noregrets" And I don't actually do too bad on them. Yes studying more will help, but it stresses me out more. So I just relax and keep calm and I'm fine. Keep a cool head kid and you will go far. Also walk quietly and carry a big stick to get rid of your enemies.

Service Week: Basic run-down and History

Service Week started out when Covenant was first installed. The people on the board for creating Covenant wanted something special for our school to do. With consideration to our small size, it was decided to start what is now called Service Week. It was a great decision that has influenced the faith of hundreds of students.
          The board decided to separate the classes so we could connect with each other. The freshmen stay local and do some work at Elam Christian, Roseland Christian, Christian Haven, and whatever other work is needed at the school or someone's house. 
          The Sophomores go up to Camp Tall Turf and GRASP (Grand Rapids Area Service Project) in Michigan. They clean and fix up the camp, cut and stack wood, and fix up people's houses in Grand Rapids. 
          I am a junior and we went to Big Creek Missions in the Apalacha region of Kentucky. The two counties we were in were ranked as some of the poorest places in the nation. People lived in little shacks and trailers. The car was a four wheeler and the SUV was a four wheeler with a trailer attached. The education system was not the best, many do not go off to college and some even drop out of high school. We saw how poor these people were and knew that our help was needed here more than any place we have been already. 
          The Seniors go out of the country and work at an orphanage in Guatemala. They used to go to Mexico, but the gang violence was becoming too extreme which made it unsafe for the students and chaperons.
          Everyone loves Service Week. It gives us a break from school and our everyday lives. Many come back with a changed heart and strengthened faith. A week of service was a great idea for Covenant. It helps spread God's love to other people and God blesses them through our work.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

College Visit #1

Last week Thursday was the day my friend Colin and I went to visit Dordt College. It was quite an experience. To get to Dordt in Iowa, we had to fly. Having never flown before, I was somewhat anxious. To top that off, we flew from O'Hare by ourselves. No parents were with us. It was awful. We were sent all over the place and were given instructions by people who had such bad accents that we could not understand them. After calling my dad several times and multiple trips back and forth, we finally got on the airplane. It was amazing. I enjoyed every part about the flight except that my ears kept popping. I took so many pictures that I could make a map of my trip.

We landed in Sioux City where we met Dordt freshman, Sam Boman who drove us to the college. We walked up to Admissions were met by our high school friend Morgan. She showed us our rooms and took us to the Recreation Center. It was a party. Bouncy houses, untold amounts of food, ticket prizes, and knock out games. I had fun and won a box of 30 chocolate bars. But after a while, we went to our rooms and prepared for the next day's events.

Friday and Saturday were spent getting acquainted with Dordt, going on tours of the campus and talking to the professors. I felt right at home. Every one was so welcoming and included me in their everyday activities. Campus golf, Call of Duty and Halo, The Walking Dead, basketball games, and late night doughnut runs at the local bakery. My roommates were two great christian people. They did a great job representing Christ in what they did and said.

 Sunday was spent with my sister Danielle. We went to her church in the morning and then she made us lunch. She is a great cook and the fish patties were delicious. I was very tired that day because of the sleep I was not getting, so I fell asleep on her couch.

Monday we packed up and went back to the airport. It was much easier this time since we were heading to O'Hare and not from it. My dad picked us up and that was our trip to Dordt. I loved it there and the campus life is very suited to my style. As of right now, I will be going to Dordt. It will be hard for other colleges to attract my attention like Dordt did.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Can't Stand The Silence

This past weekend was one of the biggest fails in my life. I am in a Mass Media class and my teacher, Miss Boman, asked all the students to do the impossible. We had to give up media for the whole weekend from Friday starting at 3 p m to Sunday ending at 3 p m. It was impossible, for in this day and age, who can give up media? It is one of the biggest things in a person's life and their way to connect to the outside world and their friends. I didn't last ten minutes. I had my phone out and I was checking my iPod for any notifications. I knew it was going to be a long weekend.

My life, like everyone else's, revolved around media. My Achilles heel is music. Take out music and I flounder in a pool of boredom. I listen to music in the car, while taking a shower, while doing homework, even while sleeping. Music calms me down and shuts out the world and my problems. But my problem was having to give up the music. And like Achilles when the arrow struck his heel, I failed. The fast was terrible for me. Music was playing, I watched TV, I was on my phone and iPod. I fasted about as well as a fat kid in a candy store. I did not do well in the fast at all, so Miss Boman decided that myself, and the rest of the kids that failed, redo the media fast! Oh boy, what fun! I will be put through this AGAIN. I couldn't handle it the first time, let alone a second.

But this will be a healthy change for me. It will teach me self control and not to rely so heavily on technology. The first was a "test run", but the second will turn out much better.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Morality Of Hitler

As a junior in high school, I just go through the motions. Sit in class and listen to the teacher ramble on about something that I could care less about. And also write down enough words or numbers on my homework to keep my teachers happy. But sometimes the topic gets pretty interesting. In US History we are learning about the Holocaust and Hitler. Naturally I have learned about this subject ten times over. But this was different. Of course we went over the basics of what happened in the Holocaust, but we also delved into the mind of Hitler. Mr. Dunham gave the class a worksheet with several questions and one of them was if Hitler was Moral, Immoral, or Amoral. Amoral is when someone does not have or abide by morals and Immoral is when someone goes against the morals set in place. We watched a movie about the Holocaust that showed us the horrors of Hitler and the Nazi regime. Mr. Dunham then asked if Hitler was Moral, Immoral, or Amoral. Of course people said that he was immoral. He caused 11 million people to be killed and 6 million of them were Jews. His actions traumatized so many people that my grandma still has a hard time talking about it. It was an argument that raged on unabated in the classroom for several tense minutes. Mr. Dunham calmed us down and explained the Hitler that nobody thought was real. "Hitler is moral," he said. "He did not have the same morals as those of Western society, but he had morals." Western morals were based on equality of people and love for others. Hitler's morals were based on raising up the superior race of the Aryans and the destruction of the inferior people. Hitler was like this because of his evolutionist thoughts. Darwinists focus on "The survival of the fittest". And in Hitler's mind; the fittest are those of the Aryan race. So Hitler decided to help them on in their rise to superiority by getting rid of those inferior. Including the Jews. Hitler was disliked by Westerners because of what he did, but the argument of his immorality cannot be made. Maybe unethical, but not immoral.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Expectations Against Me

As a pastor's kid (pk) I have many expectations put on me. Expectations to be good and to know the Bible better than the other kid. Not many people would want to be expected to be better than everyone else. They want to live normal lives that revolve around the things they care about and not what people want them to be. Growing up in a christian school, this was quite prominent. If I got in trouble I would hear my classmates whispering to each other (Oh the pk's in trouble!) (He is supposed to be the good kid). I hated that kind of stuff and wanted to prove that I was just like them. So I became kind of a rebel. I would talk and be annoying, did not focus on the task at hand, and I didn't really care about the Bible or God. I wanted to be myself and not live inside the borders put up around me. It is my life to live, even though God gave me this life.