Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tongue- Tied Politicians

          In history class, I just learned about Nixon and the Watergate Scandal. It was about how Nixon had The Democratic National Convention at Watergate robbed to attain political records for himself. Nixon was a power hungry president. He didn't just want to beat his opponents, but thoroughly destroy them. He won the presidency by a landslide, but still wanted control over the other parties. This robbery was uncovered by a guard at Watergate and the robbers arrested. Throughout the trial, they said some things that linked high ranking officials to the robbery. Eventually it was found out that Nixon had a big part in it and he failed at trying to cover it up. He resigned from the presidency before he was impeached. Several people were tried and found guilty of crimes against the government.
          Nixon wanted power and did whatever he could to get it. Many politicians do the same. They belittle their opponents instead of focusing on the issues at hand. They argue and get in the way of progress.
         But on the flip side, politicians do quite a bit. They represent their states and groups and get the say of their people across. A good politician is well respected and can be trusted when the need is there.

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