Monday, February 23, 2015

Morality Of Hitler

As a junior in high school, I just go through the motions. Sit in class and listen to the teacher ramble on about something that I could care less about. And also write down enough words or numbers on my homework to keep my teachers happy. But sometimes the topic gets pretty interesting. In US History we are learning about the Holocaust and Hitler. Naturally I have learned about this subject ten times over. But this was different. Of course we went over the basics of what happened in the Holocaust, but we also delved into the mind of Hitler. Mr. Dunham gave the class a worksheet with several questions and one of them was if Hitler was Moral, Immoral, or Amoral. Amoral is when someone does not have or abide by morals and Immoral is when someone goes against the morals set in place. We watched a movie about the Holocaust that showed us the horrors of Hitler and the Nazi regime. Mr. Dunham then asked if Hitler was Moral, Immoral, or Amoral. Of course people said that he was immoral. He caused 11 million people to be killed and 6 million of them were Jews. His actions traumatized so many people that my grandma still has a hard time talking about it. It was an argument that raged on unabated in the classroom for several tense minutes. Mr. Dunham calmed us down and explained the Hitler that nobody thought was real. "Hitler is moral," he said. "He did not have the same morals as those of Western society, but he had morals." Western morals were based on equality of people and love for others. Hitler's morals were based on raising up the superior race of the Aryans and the destruction of the inferior people. Hitler was like this because of his evolutionist thoughts. Darwinists focus on "The survival of the fittest". And in Hitler's mind; the fittest are those of the Aryan race. So Hitler decided to help them on in their rise to superiority by getting rid of those inferior. Including the Jews. Hitler was disliked by Westerners because of what he did, but the argument of his immorality cannot be made. Maybe unethical, but not immoral.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Expectations Against Me

As a pastor's kid (pk) I have many expectations put on me. Expectations to be good and to know the Bible better than the other kid. Not many people would want to be expected to be better than everyone else. They want to live normal lives that revolve around the things they care about and not what people want them to be. Growing up in a christian school, this was quite prominent. If I got in trouble I would hear my classmates whispering to each other (Oh the pk's in trouble!) (He is supposed to be the good kid). I hated that kind of stuff and wanted to prove that I was just like them. So I became kind of a rebel. I would talk and be annoying, did not focus on the task at hand, and I didn't really care about the Bible or God. I wanted to be myself and not live inside the borders put up around me. It is my life to live, even though God gave me this life.